I attended college at Madison College and received my degree in Graphic Design, and a minor in Web Design as well (fun fact!). While in college, I took a photography class, and I fell in LOVE and became so passionate about capturing moments, whether it was at family gatherings or with friends. Soon after graduation, I hustled after both my passions of design and photography and began to freelance and now am a full-time photog. I TRULY cannot believe I get to call this work. Seriously, pinch me.
I've been a creative gal since day one. I took literally every single art class from kindergarten through high school. I promise I still took my general classes too. ;) I remember as a little girl taking alll the art classes and keeping EVERY. SINGLE. art project I created, in a storage box under my bed. I knew the creative field was what I wanted to be part of when I would grow-up, no question at all.